Have you thought about coaching...but still don't quite understand what it is :)?

Coaching is a partnership that supports personal development. It is discussing and understanding yourself and your questions with the help of a neutral person. It's about getting clarity and often making decisions, setting goals and making plans.

this is supported thinking, where I am an experienced outsider next to you and help you think and develop.

is work with your goals, your challenges, and your development wishes. We think things through. In the process, you will gain both clarity and self-confidence. I help you set goals, achieve them and review them. I will also help you come to a decision and get to know yourself.

Sometimes it is very difficult to see closely and especially inside yourself.

In this case, it is good if someone helps you safely, clearly and impartially see the reflection of yourself or your relationships and sometimes helps you see the other side of things or find answers within yourself. Because when you are in the middle of a difficult situation, it is often difficult to see things neutrally. Also, being in the middle of ignorance and dissatisfaction, it is difficult to start from somewhere.

A coach
can help you with all of this! Coach is a discreet advisor, an honest and understanding companion. Coaching is action-oriented cooperation that focuses on where you are now and how you can achieve your goals. It is a journey with a coach towards positive developments through a change in mindset. During the coaching meetings, I will help you set a goal and intermediate goals, and with my knowledge I will help you get there. The goal can be related to personal development, behavior, self-confidence - regardless of the field (fitness, exercise, nutrition, relationships, "leap into the unknown", etc.). However, coaching also has a practical purpose, and each of our meetings must produce at least one result - whether it is your discovery about yourself, some new knowledge, a thought-provoking and moving thought, or a sense of lightness.

I will help you
to identify and change the limiting beliefs hidden in your subconscious that cause problems and prevent you from living the life you really dream of.

I will help you create new beliefs and find those feelings that will bring more health, love, joy and happiness into your life.

How is the coaching?

We will talk :)

You talk and I listen, ask and reflect.
  • We will discuss where you are in your life at the moment.
    What are your main goals, challenges, doubts. We try to find out what is the most important area that would initially make the biggest difference, and we agree on where we want to go together. And then we start going, if necessary we stop, look back and adjust the focus, intermediate goals and final goal.
  • Our joint work takes place during meetings and conversations. At these meetings, you think and ask, and I help with questions, sharing experiences and honest feedback - sometimes we also do exercises and analyses-summaries. Your homework is done between meetings.
  • Remember - You yourself are responsible for your development. And I can support your development, if you give me information and you open topics that raise questions for you.

3-month, even better 6-month individual coaching brings the best results.
Making real change takes time and doesn't appear or take hold overnight - it also takes commitment and energy. 

PS! The first online meeting is always free, because I want us to get to know each other and make sure that our "chemistry fits".

What DO you get?

- You get a like-minded person who helps you set goals and move towards them.
- You will get clarity in the chaos of your thoughts.
- You get a different view, a different perspective.
- You get a partner who helps you bring to the surface what you know, but sometimes can't find. Or often you don't even dare to find it.

What you DON'T get?

- You DON'T get an advisor who will tell you what you have to do - I give advice and you decide what to do.
- You DON'T get an unconditional pat on the back - I have the right to reflect back reality.
- You DON'T get someone who will solve your problems - I give advice, but you have to act.
- You DON'T get a fixer of your world - Your life is in your hands and you yourself can and will change and build it.


Write to me and I will help you if you want:

  • improve your lifestyle and enjoy life
  • find out how you should exercise to achieve the desired body shape
  • to understand how nutrition helps to achieve the desired feeling of well-being
  • change your body composition and live an active life
  • increase self-confidence and be more confident on a daily basis
  • improve relationships with important people - parents, partner, children or friends
  • recover from a broken relationship
  • move forward in life and find a clear and satisfying direction in both private and professional life
  • to get rid of past traumas, be they physical, emotional or taboo topics
  • to eliminate the hindering feelings, beliefs and habits from your life
  • find out what causes you to be overweight and find ways to get rid of it
  • reduce stress and anxiety in your life
  • increase your energy level and general well-being
  • etc-etc :)


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