
Mentoring is a relationship in which a more knowledgeable person helps lead a less experienced person. The mentor may be a younger or older person who must have some professional competence. It is a learning and development partnership between two people, one with extensive experience and the other with a desire to learn.

Although the concepts of mentoring and coaching seem to go hand in hand, I like mentoring more in terms of its content.

  • Coaching is mostly aimed at achieving a specific short-term goal (learning new skills, developing habits, coping with change, doing things).
  • Mentoring is often a longer-term relationship that focuses on strategically important skills, principles, and values ​​to help the person being mentally make wise choices, to mature as an individual.
In other words, while coaching focuses more on training skills and achieving results, mentoring focuses on creating the right direction and supporting development as a whole.

A mentor does not do things for a mentee, even if the mentee is afraid or does not know how. Development begins outside the comfort zone.

The mentor does not decide important things for the mentee, nor does he or she tell him or her directly what to do. Rather, it helps the supervisee to find out in his / her own possibilities that he / she has to make a decision independently.

Mentoring is one of the most effective forms of development, as it provides the mentee with a personal and immediate development experience that meets his or her needs and questions.

In my opinion, the most effective is 1: 1 long-term mentoring - a form of cooperation agreed upon over a longer period of time, where, for example, during the year, they meet once a week or once a month to discuss the issues raised problems, situations and other developments. It works as a driving force, increases motivation and ability to work. Mentoring is one good tool to help someone get better and more effective. A mentor is an objective and honest reflector, when you are out of your immediate circle, you can look at "topics" with a neutral look and a "sober" view.

I myself have been consciously on the path of self-development since 2008 and since then I have undergone many trainings and workshops, both long-term and short-term.
As in my case - because mostly the trigger is big "bang" and the need to "survive", then the learning process and development is always fast. However, my growth and my various success stories over the last ten years have brought many lovely people to me, who have needed support and for whom I have been fortunate to be a 1: 1 mentor, both in directing my life and in objective reflection.

Over time, layers open up in a person that he or she is not aware of. I get to know his way of life, loved ones, weaknesses and we become friends. In cooperation through self-analysis and a relationship of trust, we reach a point where a person also reaches inner peace and the desire to really change himself - inner motivation arises.
And in moments when external motivation strikes as a result of criticism or relapse, intrinsic motivation is crucial.

You can't argue with an agreed mentor :) - because we are not ordinary friends.

A mentor is a person who sets an example, listens and supports, teaches and motivates. The role of a mentor is especially important in moments when the people around you - family, friends and colleagues - do not support you. Very often due to their own fears and limitations, because they do not know or do not want to support your efforts.

But the mentor cannot take responsibility - the mentor's duty is to reflect back on you and accept your "mistakes" and "shortcomings", and by analyzing the patterns of your actions and behaviors, he can show possible directions. But only the person himself can come up with solutions and he has to decide for himself what steps to take. Whoever chooses and decides is also responsible.

Write to me and together we will find your inner strength!
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